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The William Byrne STEM Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization comprised of parents, teachers, and school administrators. We work together in an atmosphere of partnership to discuss school issues, promote community involvement, and develop ideas to enhance educational programs.

To help achieve the goals of supporting our school and its community, our PTO also organizes fundraising activities that not only help support vital programs and allow the purchase of essential equipment and materials, but also encourage a sense of school community among students, parents and teachers.


Through events such as Book Fairs, Family Fun Night, Spaghetti Dinner, the Fall Fundraiser, Wendy's Night and the Spring Carnival, our PTO has been able to raise over $30,000 per school year. These funds have enabled the school to purchase needed equipment and learning materials that have fallen outside annual school budgets.


With your support and donations, our PTO has purchased magazine subscriptions, books, computer equipment, playground equipment and subsidize class field trips. We also support enrichment and residency programs.

As a parent, grandparent or guardian of a William Byrne STEM student, you can become involved at any level at which you feel comfortable. From attending a PTO meeting, chairing or volunteering at a PTO event to something as simple as using your Target Debit card or collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup Labels at home. There are countless opportunities for you to play a part in helping our PTO to ensure a strong school for our children.


Please feel free to contact us with questions or to inquire about volunteer opportunities.  Like us on Facebook to stay in touch with us. 


Thank you for supporting our school!

2015 -2016 Board Members

President--Janna Jacobson

Vice President--Kristie Kriss

Secretary--Jennnie Tainter

Co-Treasurers--Laura Mogren & Brian Shannon

Board members work under the guidance of the by-laws and code of conduct to ensure all decisions made are in the best interest of all Byrne students.

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